The critique room sits atop the center of the 4th floor of the Gatewood Studio Arts building and is primarily used as a multi-use space for Interior Architecture classes, meetings, presentations, project evaluations, etc. The critique room’s appearance, layout, and size are directly related to the various functions that takes place in the room. The room is adorned with white tack board walls, track lighting that is situated along the perimeter of the room. Window slits appear along the four quadrants of the room which peer out to studio desks surrounding the space. An open ceiling plane gives the critique space its distinctive and serene quality. Natural light floods the space through translucent windows on the roof allowing for general lighting during the day. Although the natural light does allow for a more invigorating atmosphere, the variations of light quality during different times of day often causes distractions during class and sometimes affect values of shade used during drawing projects. The dark polished concrete floors of the room help to contain the light and prevent glaring in the space. The overall impression of the critique space is that its openness allows for creative thought and collaborations between students and teachers; its large scale provides opportunity to carry out many activities (making it very useful); and its natural light quality, although sometimes distracting, creates a motivating atmosphere.
The interior architecture of the room is very attractive, nice combination of track lighting & wall light.